Which name should I start with? I think the right method is the chronological order. Maybe an enumeration would be useful too: Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Billy Idol. You will tell me now that Billy Idol has no place among the others; my answer is: I think that each one of them with his business in his time. Jonathan Swift 1667 – Jonathan Swift is known especially for his novel “Gulliver’s Travels”. I was fascinated by this novel, I read it with the flashlight under the covers late in the night, excited to discover each adventure and of course the end of the story. The animated movie, produced in 1939, is very well made and very funny. I’ve watched the movie with a great pleasure (because I’ve tried to find it on internet to post it on my blog), although I am not a child anymore. If you
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30 noiembrie – s-au nascut Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Billy Idol
nu stiu cu cine sa incep. cred ca cel mai corect este sa folosesc ordinea cronologica. o enumerare insa cred ca este folositoare: Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Billy Idol. acum sa nu-mi spuneti ca Billy Idol nu are ce cauta intre ceilalti, pentru ca eu cred ca fiecare e cu treaba lui la vremea lui. Jonathan Swift 1667 – Jonathan Swift cunoscut in special ca autor al romanului “Calatoriile lui Gulliver” (Gulliver’s Travels). pe mine m-au fascinat, am citit cu sufletul la gura, cu lanterna sub patura 🙂 . filmul animat, desi facut in 1939 , este foarte reusit si amuzant. eu l-am vizionat si acum cu placere (pentru ca l-am cautat si am vrut sa-l postez), chiar daca nu mai am de mult varsta desenelor animate 🙂 daca aveti un pic de timp, uiteti-va, o sa va faca placere 🙂 Mark Twain 1835 -Mark Twain (nascut Samuel Langhorne
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