Despre ce scriu | About what I write

scriu de toate. ce mi s-a intamplat, ce as fi vrut sa mi se intample, ce mi-am inchipuit, ce mi-am dorit, despre iubiri si sex, ale mele sau ale voastre, despre ura si nesimtire, fantezii si adevaruri, bucurii si dezamagiri, ce ma pasioneaza, ce detest. despre mine, despre voi, despre prieteni si dusmani, despre oameni si pelicani. despre un fost sot prost si nerecunoscator si despre curvele lui, despre amantii mei, despre copii, serbari, despre adolescenti si scoli si emigrare. despre muzica, artisti si persoane publice sau despre anonimi de exceptie.

si daca vreti si aveti povesti despre care vreti sa se auda, eu sunt dispusa sa le ascult si sa scriu despre ele.

n-am sa dau nume, dar fiecare dintre voi isi va da seama ca-i vorba despre el/ea. unii vor aprecia, altii se vor supara. treaba lor. sunt unii pe care n-as vrea sa-i supar, dar si sper sa-i supar pe unii foarte tare, sa-i fac sa le fie rusine sa mai dea ochii cu cunoscutii. sunt parerile mele, bune sau rele si am sa le scriu aici asa cum le vad si sunt fericita ca m-am hotarat sa fac asta.

va astept si va multumesc.


About what I write

I write about everything. About what happened in my life, what would I have liked to happen, what I’ve imagined, my desires, my love stories and your love stories, about sex, hate and callousness, fantasies and truths, joyfulness and disappointments,  my passions; what I hate, about me, you, friends and enemies, about people. About my stupid and ungrateful ex husband and his whores, about my lovers, about kids, celebrations, about young people and schools and immigration, about music, artists and public figures or anonymous.

If you have interesting stories I would love to listen and write about them on my blog.

I won’t specify names, but you will see yourself in my characters; some of you will appreciate, others will be upset, it doesn’t matter, I don’t care. There are people I don’t want to bother, but there are people I want to make them being ashamed.There are my opinions, good or bad, I will write here as I feel and I am happy I‘ve decided to do this blog.

Thank you and I am waiting for you.

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