Mother’s Day in Cardiff

Actually, I wrote this story last year on Mother’s Day (at the Romanian section). The only thing I’ve changed is the period of celebrating. Last year, Mother’s Day was on March 15th and this year was yesterday, on  6th of March. I consider that the Mother’s Day is celebrating at the beginning of March, on a Sunday. Yesterday I did almost the same things that I did last year, with the difference that I did’t use the train 🙂  so, enjoy! 🙂 In UK is celebrating Mother’s Day, a funny idea for me as mother, but it seems to be the same day as March 8th in Romania, the difference is that in UK is Mother’s day, not Woman’s day. There are different dates in the world for celebrating Mother’s day but March 8th is the International Woman’s day, celebrated in the ex-communist countries. I prefer Woman’s day, Mother’s day

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how I’ve decided to have a blog

The idea of having a blog came to me long time ago, but the decision of starting it I took when I divorced. I hate so much that man and I want to shout loudly all the bad things he had made me. Normally, I believe in solving the problems by yourself, with your family, but, when there is a risk of getting suffocating, when you are in that moment when you don’t trust anyone and anything, you think it’s better to tell others. I’ve decided to be an anonymous person, it’s better for the moment. Obviously, most of you will know my identity when I will send links and read my articles. This is want I want because in other case the category “The Deceased”, will be nonsense. About me Generally I am an understanding person and pacifist. I accept many things, I overlook a lot of things, some

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why cocktailantistress?

Because, as I wrote in the article how to chose a name for your blog, I want to write about everything, a cocktail of subjects concerning what bothers me, what makes me happy or hysterical. I have the impression that, when I am writing, I can unburden my soul, I calm down, I share with you my joys and troubles, so this means anti-stress. Because I am thinking that you enjoy what you read, you can discover that you are not the only one who has problems or unpleasant experiences. This could be an anti-stress for you too. Cocktail because I will write stories, epigrams, dialogues, opinions about music, people, me and my friends, enemies, colleagues, neighbours, etc. I will laugh with you, I will cry, I will talk civilized or using curses, I will tell you good and bad jokes, I will be here with you, listening your opinions.

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4 martie 1678 – s-a nascut Antonio Vivaldi

Vivaldi am ales 4 martie si Antonio Vivaldi pentru ca mi se pare important sa incercam sa pastram valorile. ma gandesc ca poate mai intra pe blogul asta si tineri care, daca nu au facut vreo scoala de muzica, nu prea au avut de unde sa auda si cred ca ar avea o experienta placuta, mai ales ca la sfarsit, voi posta un  clip cu David Garrett interpretand “Summer”, iar mie tipul mi se pare cu totul aparte. si nu au auzit, pentru ca in scoala tampita din Romania, la unica ora de muzica dintr-o saptamana, in loc sa-i invete cate ceva din istoria muzicii, sa asculte muzica, mai pe scurt sa le trezeasca interesul pentru muzica clasica, ii invata, note, masuri si alte cacaturi pe care le uita pana la lectia urmatoare, nu prezinta niciun interes pentru ei, nu le vor folosi niciodata in viata (las-o pe-aia ca “e

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I know nothing about blog

Don’t laugh. I am ignorant. I’ve thought I should write about what had happened to me in past, what happens today, what I expect for tomorrow, life stories, warts and all, treacheries, sex. I should enjoy the moment and not be angry anymore, I should love, hate, be courageous, fear, the rhymes of Adrian Paunescu “Totusi, iubirea” (still, the love). in my opinion, just listen without seeing the images (sorry, I don’t think that is relevant for you, but I translated the blog post from Romanian). I know nothing about a blog, I know what I would like to write here, I like telling stories, I would like to succeed in convincing you to visit my blog, but I know I need your help, you should read my articles and comment  the subjects, giving me advice, criticizing me, tell me if it is ok what I am doing here. I am

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How to choose a name for your blog?

It’s very, very difficult. First attempt to find a name for my blog… The first choice was “punctedevedere“ (points of view). The idea was to write about everything, life experience, opinions about all kind of staff or about persons. That title seemed very good for me, maybe a little journalistic, but it had been already used by someone else. Following the same idea I thought “ punctedevederelavedere” (points of view on sight), but it is too long for a blog title. Then, I chose “coolsirecul” (cool and recoil) but I had two problems, it didn’t look good and the word “recul” (recoil) according to DEX represents a movement back and it didn’t represent my character, it didn’t seem cool for me. A gave up. Another title “regireginesivagine” (queens kings and vaginas) but I hadn’t enough courage to use it, it seemed excellent for me, but I didn’t want to be

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1 martie si martisorul

nu prea sunt eu cu mesajele astea, mi se par un pic copilaresti (sunt draguta ca-i 1 martie 🙂 ), dar azi pot sa fac o exceptie, mai ales ca mi s-au parut haioase. in afara de asta, aici nu gasesc martisoare si pana la urma asta este singurul mod de exprimare. aici ploua si bate vantul si este o vreme mizerabila, asa ca merita sa fac lucruri care ma caracterizeaza mai putin si sa zambesc de cate ori citesc dedicatia 🙂  poza am luat-o de aici. acum totusi, nu pot sa nu spun ca nu am aruncat un ochi pe internet si nu am cautat cateva lucruri speciale despre martie si martisor. de exemplu, am aflat ca martisorul este cam batraior, are vreo 8000 de ani, primele chestii gasite au fost niste amulete din pietricele rosii si albe care se purtau la gat. poti sa citesti “cinci lucruri pe care

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