March the 1st and the tradition of mărţişor

I’m not used to sending this kind of messages, I find them childish. But today it‘s March the 1st and I make an exception. I send you a funny message for the first day of this spring. Besides, here, in UK, I don’t find any mărţişor and the only way of wishing you a beautiful and happy spring is this message. In UK the weather is not so good these days, it’s raining and the wind is blowing, it’s a perfect moment for things that characterizes me less, but makes me smile anytime I read them 🙂 I’ve found out on the internet a few interesting things about mărţişor. For example, it is an over 8000 years old Romanian tradition, the first things found were some amulets (red and white pebbles arranged alternatively in a string) worn at the neck. I read also “the legends of mărţişor. One day, the

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The song of the potatoes or the anthem of the potatoes

No one can deny the influence of the potatoes on our life and diet 🙂 We all love potatoes no matter how they are cooked: fried French fries – the most known and loved potatoes, boiled and mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, oven roasted potatoes. There are hundreds of recipes with potatoes. The rustic potatoes and au gratin potatoes are very tasteful. There are many potato recipes with vegetables. The moussaka is appreciated very much. The list is long, you can write comments at this article sending me recipes with potatoes. In the UK, there is another loved recipe: Jacket Potato: baked potato filled with cheese, baked beans, tuna and mayonnaise, chilli con carne and many others, depending on your taste. People like baked tornado potato, mashed potatoes-on-a-stick, chips, those delicious chips, unhealthy but eaten by most of the people. Children love potatoes, especially the fried ones. This is reality –

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doliu pentru Romania

ieri, Romania a murit definitiv. si nu cred sa mai existe ceva s-o resusciteze. Romania e la fel de anchilozata si de distrusa ca majoritatea sistemelor. si aici ma refer la sistemul de invatamant, la sistemul sanitar, cultura, transporturi s.a.. singurul sistem care mai functiona era acest DNA, desi nici acesta nu avea cine stie ce eficienta. oricum l-au bagat si  pe asta in coma. Romania nu mai e in coma profunda, n-o sa-si mai revina in veci. Romania a murit… definitiv avem de ingropat o tara desi eu nu mai credeam de mult ca se mai poate intampla ceva bun in Romania, sunt profund dezamagita si trista. sunt trista ca si cum mi-ar fi murit cineva drag, foarte drag. pana la urma, azi am inteles de ce era nevoie de catedrala neamului, aveam de ingropat o tara… nu ma mai gandesc de  mult la politica, pentru ca oricat ar

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start a new life

Take a chance to start a new life anytime

Remember, you are your own master! You do not depend on anyone and anything! Leave the place where you feel the others do not want you anymore, a place you do not belong anymore. I’m talking about home, country, job, husband etc. Don’t stay there anymore because the end is the same, now or later. And this means waste of time. Don’t waste your time! Don’t waste your life for something that doesn’t bring you any benefit. Have the courage and power to leave these things behind you, although many years have passed letting the convenience to be more powerful than your satisfaction of being happy and fulfilled. Keep in mind only the beautiful memories, forget those who hurt your soul and leave the place without looking back. I don’t know if anyone will miss you but, after all, no one and nothing is irreplaceable. Think about you Go far

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una dintre cele mai bune piese

inca o data, parerea mea 🙂 . insa am o dilema, am doua piese care imi plac foarte mult, dar niciodata nu am reusit sa spun daca asta imi place cel mai mult sau cealalta. cred ca depinde foarte mult de starea pe care o am cand le ascult. aseara, gandindu-ma ca n-am mai postat de mult muzica si tot baletand pe youtube, mi-a aparut piesa asta. n-am mai ascultat-o de mult pentru ca ma aduce intr-o stare de tristete spre plans si am cam multa treaba zilele astea, nu prea am timp de plans 🙂 dar am dat de ea si n-am putut sa nu ma opresc asupra ei. nu e o inregistrare foarte buna, e live de la concertul sustinut la TNB in 2011, dar e cea mai actuala pe care am gasit-o. gasiti si variante mai vechi, precum si clipul oficial, dar eu am preferat-o pe aceasta

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Few useful advises in kitchen – part I

I’ll have one of my biggest challenges in life this year. I am looking for all kind of tips and things useful in kitchen. Or things useful when you want to do something that could cause a mess in your kitchen. Or tips to refresh the food, or to give it a new commercial face. There are some interesting tips on Internet and I’ve tried to select some of them 🙂 We have a soft cake and we want to cut it in layers. Try the following method and you will have 2 perfect layers, and the cake won’t break anymore: put some toothpicks in the middle of the cake (to mark the place where you want to cut). You have to put them all around. I don’t know how many toothpicks, depends on the cake size. Then hold the unscented dental floss tightly between two fingers and bear down

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any kind of signs

Pay attention to signs!

Yes, pay attention to any kind of signs! Starting with the punctuation marks that could make a big difference between what you want to say and what the others understand, then the nature signs, or subconscious signs and so on; then we can talk about other signs, those that are or not sent to you. Haven’t you ever been in a situation when you thought someone was coming to you but in fact you weren’t the target person? 🙂 Or haven’t you ever thought someone was making a sign to you (hello from head or hand) and you answered to that sign in any kind, although you weren’t the target person? 🙂 But if we are thinking of men and their imagination, when they are seeing a woman, a very beautiful and attractive woman, and it seems she is making signs, any kind of signs, their imagination immediately starts heating

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singur cu tine

singur nu inseamna singuratate

In primul rand sa incercam sa facem o clarificare importanta pentru ca multa lume confunda a fi singur cu singuratatea. desi in Dex se explica singuratatea: “1. Faptul de a fi singur (1); starea celui care trăiește singuratic (1); spec. izolare morală. 2. Loc retras pe unde oamenii nu umblă deloc sau trec foarte rar; loc pustiu, lipsit de oameni (și de animale); pustietate; p. ext. izolare. – Singur + suf. -ătate”, din punctul meu de vedere asta nu se reduce doar la o explicatie a Dex-ului. mie mi se pare un pic mai profund. adica, eu zic ca a fi singur nu exprima decat un mod de a trai, singur, fara o alta companie, iar singuratate se refera la o stare, a simti singuratate. pentru ca poti sa simti starea asta de singuratate si daca nu esti singur, ai o companie inutila. in schimb a alege sa fii singur implica o stare de fapt, pe cand singuratatea implica o stare

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don’t stay in school

Although at first glance the message seems to be: “don’t stay in school anymore”, if you try to listen and understand the lyrics, you realize that the message differs, it is about school and what pupils learn, many things taught in school are useless, cannot be used in real life, day by day. And the guy, Dave- Boyinaband, seems to me a brilliant person. And he attended school. You will find here the song, a few parents’ comments, and his comments regarding the others opinion about his song. You can see also his studies. I know it takes time and probably you don’t have, but sincerely it deserves your attention. If not today, maybe you can return at this article tomorrow. I have wanted to post more but you can find by yourself all the articles regarding this song and, in order to understand it, you should listen and read

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super advert

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such an inspired advert. It is super, from what goes and what gets 🙂  (you will see below) I have motorcycle licence I have motorcycle licence, but I’ve been always afraid to use the motorcycle in Bucharest where the traffic is a mess. I used to ride my motorcycle only in weekends when there were fewer cars on the streets. And I was at two rock concerts with my motorcycle only for fun 🙂 The adrenaline was released by my fear of accidents not by the feeling of freedom. And another problem is given by the roads, the bumps, any sudden maneuver could be fatal. I am not a coward person, but my survival instinct and the fact that I am mum and I have a child made me to say stop it; it took me two years to give up for

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