Despre mine | About me

aici probabil trebuie sa ma laud. dar nu prea am cu ce. sunt un om obisnuit, cu bune si cu rele, cu stolul meu de pasarele, am prieteni buni care ma accepta asa cum sunt si ma inteleg. imi place sa rad, sa iubesc, mai si plang, de bucurie, de nervi, urlu, injur (am un repertoriu foarte bogat), pot fi spontana sau bleaga, sunt extrem de sensibila, dar ascund asta pentru ca nu ma ajuta deloc in jungla asta. si pot spune ca nu exista decat un singur om care ma stie exact asa cum sunt, dar pe care din pacate l-am intalnit prea tarziu. pot fi generoasa, dar si zgarcita cu cei care incearca sa profite de asta. am multe cunostinte si cativa prieteni foarte buni. imi place sa iubesc,  sa mi-o trag. imi place muzica in general si muzica italiana in special. imi place limba italiana, dar nu-mi plac italienii. imi plac serialele politiste si dar si Dr. House si Anatomia lui Gray, nu-mi plac telenovelele. imi place sa lenevesc cateodata, dar nu prea mult pentru ca sunt o fire activa.

imi place sa fac tot ce vreau, incerc sa traiesc la maxim fiecare clipa, traiesc clipa si nu ma intereseaza daca-i imoral, indecent sau ingrasa. incerc pe cat posibil sa nu ranesc si incerc sa nu ma las ranita. nu-mi iese intotdeauna, dar traiesc clipa.

urasc minciuna si prefacatoria, urasc sa constat ca vorbesc singura atunci cand ma adresez cuiva. urasc sa mi se raspunda la altceva decat la ceea ce am intrebat, urasc sa-mi faca cineva program in timpul meu liber, urasc angajatii de la stat si taximetristii.

imi place sa experimentez, sa fac lucruri noi. de cele mai multe ori, cand ma apuc de ceva, reusesc sa duc la bun sfarsit, chiar cu succes, chiar daca e ceva complet nou. asta sper sa se intample si cu blogul asta. plus ca si mie imi face foarte bine sa scriu si imi place mult sa scriu aici.

About me

Shall I boast of myself? I don’t think so. I am just an ordinary woman wart and all. I am not perfect. I have good friends who accept me as I am and they understand me. I like laughing and loving, I cry sometimes for joy or for getting nervous, I scream/yell, I swear ( I know many swear words) when I am angry, I could be spontaneous or sheepish, I am extremely sensitive, but I hide this because it doesn’t help me in this jungle and I could say that there is only one person who knows me exactly as I am but unfortunately I have met him too late. I could be generous but also skimped with those who try to take an advantage of this. I know a lot of people but I have only a few good friends. I like sex, love, music, especially the Italian music. I like Italian language, but I don’t like Italians. I like thrillers, Dr. House and Gray’s Anatomy, I don’t like telenovelas. I like to laze sometimes, but not too much because I am an active person.

I do everything I want in general, I try to live every moment, I don’t care if this is immoral or not, indecent or makes you fat, I try as possible as I can not to hurt and to be injured. This does not happen always but I live the moment.

I hate the lies and mockery, I hate when I realize that I speak with somebody and he is totally absent, I hate when someone responds to anything but is asked, I hate if someone else tries to change my leisure time, I hate the state employees and taxi drivers.

I like to experiment new things. Most often I succeed in finishing what I have proposed to do, although it is about something completely new for me. This should happen with this blog too. In addition I have a good feeling when I am writing on this blog.

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