Victoria ‘s Secret I don’t need any introduction to this article 🙂 Here, in this store, is a delirium, a madness. Don’t miss this store if you go to Cardiff, London or anywhere in UK – there are 18 stores. Do not miss it, it should be on your list. Not only museums, castles, etc. You should visit Victoria’s Secret store too. You will say I am a paranoid person, but I am not. I would have thought the same if someone would have told me before about the store. It happened some time ago, when a friend of mine, whenever she returned from USA, was very excited about Victoria ’s Secret. Yes, ok, I listened to her, I didn’t understand what could be so excited in a store full of bras, panties and cosmetics, I let her enjoy it, I listened but that was all. On the other hand,
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shopping in Cardiff – partea a III-a – Victoria’ Secret
Victoria’s Secret nu mai am nevoie de nicio introducere 🙂 e delir aici, nu ratati daca veniti in Cardiff (sau in Londra, sau oriunde in UK, sunt 18 magazine in total). nu ratati, puneti-l pe lista asa cum puneti un muzeu. o sa spuneti ca sunt paranoica, dar nu, nu sunt. asa as fi spus si eu daca mi-ar fi spus cineva asa ceva. chiar mi s-a intamplat cu ceva timp in urma, cand aveam o prietena care tot mergea in America si care de fiecare data cand se intorcea era extrem de entuziasmata de Victoria’s Secret. da, ok, o ascultam, nu prea intelegeam ce putea fi atat de excitant intr-un magazin de chiloti si sutiene si ceva cosmetice, o lasam sa se bucure si o ascultam, dar atat. pe de alta parte, trebuie sa recunosc ca eu, de vreo 17 de ani incoace, nu port decat lenjerie Victoria’s Secret.
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