back to school in Cardiff

school has started on September 28th. I have come back in Cardiff; sincerely I couldn’t wait because, although school means essays, many things to learn, preparing for courses, I like this place. I like school although I am not crazy about essays, but I learn a lot of interesting things. I have many friends from all over the world. Not real friends, let’s say colleagues, because I think that real friend means someone who is always by your side not only physically speaking, he is the one who helps you in need, unconditional. If you have in a life time real friends and their number is greater than the number of your fingers from one hand, you are happy. But let‘s get back to school and my friends in Wales ( I prefer to call them friends not colleagues). the first friend My first friend I met here is from

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back to school in Cardiff

pe 28 septembrie a inceput scoala. m-am intors in Cardiff. sincer, abia asteptam. si asta nu ca mi-ar fi cine stie ce drag sa invat si sa fac esuri, ci pentru tot ceea ce este aici. daca nu ma omor dupa eseuri, nu inseamna ca nu-mi place la scoala. adevarul e ca aud tot felul de lucruri interesante si mi-am facut multi prieteni de prin toate colturile lumii. ma rog, prieteni e cam mult spus, asta pentru ca in acceptiunea mea un prieten adevarat e cel care iti e tot timpul alaturi (nu fizic), te ajuta si-ti tine spatele intotdeauna, neconditionat. daca intr-o viata de om numarul prietenilor adevarati depaseste numarul degetelor de la o mana, poti sa te consideri fericit. dar sa revenim la scoala si la prietenii mei de aici (le spun prieteni ca mi-e peste mana sa le spun cunostinte). prima prietena prima mea prietena pe care

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