Vrei sa studiezi in strainatate? Nu mai e mult si incepe scoala. Cele mai multe universitati incep cursurile la 1 octombrie. Daca ai ratat anul asta, poti sa te gandesti mai bine pentru anul urmator. Totusi ia in calcul ca exista si universitati care accepta studenti si pe ultima suta de metri. Iar daca vrei un master sau alte cursuri postuniversitare, mai ai timp pentru ca unele incep in februarie. Sa studiezi în străinătate este o experiență incontestabila care in cele mai multe cazuri, produce schimbari majore in viata studentilor (indiferent de varsta 🙂 ). Se deschid noi moduri de gandire, de viata, intelegerea si toleranta devin parte a comportamentului si alte chestii importante pe care o sa le gasiti in aceasta postare. Exista studii care arată că elevii care studiază în străinătate au performante mai bune, au mai multă încredere iar rata de absolvire este mai mare decât cea
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oricine poate sa studieze in Anglia – partea a II-a
asa cum v-am promis in partea I a postarii, revin cu alte cateva detalii interesante si care s-ar putea sa va ajute atunci cand studiati care va sunt optiunile si care dintre universitatile din Anglia vi se potriveste mai bine si asfel sa faceti o alegere cat mai corecta si mai avantajoasa. universitatile mult ravnite, Cambridge si Oxford nu am sa neg aici valoarea acestor universitati. ideea este ca de cele mai multe ori nu copilul alege universitatea in functie de aptitudinile sale si de ceea ce isi doreste, ci aleg parintii pentru el. singuri aleg numai cei mai rebeli, iar aceia aleg de foarte putine ori Cambridge sau Oxford. in schimb parintii vor sa se laude, sa fie mandri ca ai lor copii studiaza la una dintre universitatile de mai sus. oricine a auzit de astea, dar cine a auzit de University of South Wales, de exemplu? ei nu
Read moreHalloween in Cardiff
Anytime I visit a place, a country, I like to explore and discover the places, people, their traditions, food, everything that is new for me. And I recommend you to explore everything, food, drink, sex, customs, culture, games, music, work, fun, anything you can. In this way you will have more experience, knowledge, you should try new tastes, new feelings, live every moment in different way, and break the daily routine. You will find a lot of wonderful things that deserve to be experienced. It’s true that sometimes you can fail but this means also experience. So, just experience the Halloween 🙂 during the day So let’s go to Cardiff and Halloween. Firstly, many events have been inside the Cardiff Castle all this week; today and tomorrow is The Highwayman, an interactive show, that attracts many tourists and not only. I took part in the hunting together with the masked
Read morehow much is the student accommodation in the UK
The accommodation can be cheap or expensive, for the Romanians income, it is expensive. It varies between 200 (minimum) and 600 GBP (I won’t talk about more than 600 GBP because the subject is the student life not holiday). If your budget do not allow you more, you can find something for 200 GBP – a house with bedrooms – rent together with a few colleagues. It’s true that in the first year when you come here, you don’t have many friends, but you can find places in this type of houses. The inconvenience is that you don’t know the others, if they are troublemakers, or if they like cleaning their place; in this type of house there is only one bathroom for 3-4 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms for 5-6 bedrooms. The problem is that girls need the bathroom more than the boys (some girls more than other girls) and
Read morehow much does a student spend on transport per month in the UK
Let’s see! In Romania, as in many countries, students use the transport, but much of them don’t buy tickets, I don’t know what the others do. I haven’t used the transport for years. But here, it’s different. It seems that the train is the most used mean of transport, it has stations in every town. It’s like a high speed tram, but it’s a train, Arriva Train Wales, it’s not luxury, but it is clean and civilized, I use it to go to University in Treforest, 4 stations. Usually, a ticket costs 6.80 GBP, it is expensive, but let’s see why. Firstly, you don’t seem to be embarrassed if you don’t have ticket. But let’s see how you can buy it; there are ticket machines in almost every station, especially in the big cities, you can buy it by cash or using the card. If the train comes and you
Read morehow much does it cost the student life in the UK – the food
I will write every time I have the occasion: send your children to study abroad, especially in the UK. Why UK? Because this country is known all over the world, the faculty is not paid, there are no fees in many countries, for example, UK, Denmark, etc, if we are talking about the 1st faculty, if it is the second one or master or MBA, you pay, but not the school only the transport, meal, accommodation. how much does it cost the food per month for a student in the UK If you are smart you can find good food at a reasonable price, I am talking about the products that expire in 2 days. Do not worry, you can find supermarkets everywhere, at least 2 supermarkets on a distance of about 500 meters. I have one in the corner, the next one Tesco Express and Sainsbury’s at 500 meters
Read moreback to school, student at 50 years old
Yes, as you read, I am student at 50 years old. It is an unique experience. But not in our country, in our education system, where everybody (colleagues and teachers) would have staring at you, asking you a lot of questions. Yes, I had the courage and I enrolled in a master in UK and, although I’ve had many doubts, I do not speak English very well, I’ve had to leave behind the comfort offered by my home, I haven’t known if I would be able to learn, to get accustomed to their education system (do not forget that I did a communist school) , I did it. It is a challenge that so far I can say that satisfies me completely. Don’t think it is easy, but not too hard for me. Here everything works according to certain rules, very well established, everybody has to follow them. It is
Read morecat va costa viata de student in UK – cazarea
am ramas datoare cu costul cazarii. nu prea reusesc sa scriu constant, dar am tot avut de lucru. stiu, scuze se gasesc intotdeauna. trebuie totusi sa am timp si sa nu ma gandesc ca las altceva si scriu aici ca nu am stare si nu iese bine. dar sa revenim. cazarea poate fi mai scumpa sau mai ieftina, dar una peste alta, pentru veniturile romanilor, este scumpa. variaza intre 200 (minim) si 600 GBP (nu ne bagam la mai mult ca deja e concediu, nu studii). daca bugetul nu-ti permite, la 200 GBP, poti gasi o casa cu mai multe dormitoare, pe care s-o inchiriezi cu mai multi colegi. e adevarat ca in primul an cand ajungi aici nu prea ai prieteni, dar gasesti locuri in astfel de case. inconvenientul este ca nu stii cu cine nimeresti, daca sunt cat de cat curati si nu foarte scandalagii. pe de alta
Read morecat va costa viata de student in UK – transportul
sa incepem cum v-am obisnuit, fugiti cat mai aveti timp, sau macar daca voi nu puteti sa va rupeti de rutina de acasa, trimiteti-va copiii. trimiteti-i sa vada, sa cunoasca, sa aleaga in cunostinta de cauza. nu alegeti voi pentru ei. stiti deja unde sa va adresati 🙂 Study Abroad Advising Center. dar sa revenim, azi ne ocupam de transport. cat costa transportul/luna pe un student in UK pai cam costa! da, si acasa elevii si studentii folosesc mijloacele de transport in comun, dar mare parte fac blatul. ceilalti nu stiu ce fac. eu nu am mai folosit de ani buni transpotul in comun. dar aici e alfel. se pare ca cel mai uzual este trenul, un fel de personal care merge prin orase, un tramvai de mare viteza, dar tot tren este, Arriva Train Wales. nu pot sa spun ca e lux, dar e curat si civilizat. eu merg
Read morecat costa viata de student in UK – mancarea
probabil ca voi scrie de cate ori o sa am ocazia: trimiteti-va copiii la studii in stainatate, in special in UK. de ce in UK? prntru ca e rescuoscuta in toata lumea. facultatea nu se plateste mai pe nicaieri, vorbim de tarile in care se duc cei mai multi, UK, Danemarca etc, daca e prima facultate. daca e a doua sau master sau MBA sau alte chestii de genul asta se platesc. deci scoala nu costa, dar te costa cazarea, masa, transportul. cat costa mancarea/luna pe un student in UK pana la urma de mancat, mananci si acasa. daca esti istet gasesti lucruri bune si ieftine la preturi mai mult decat rezonabile. vorbesc de orice ce expira in doua zile. dar sa nu va faceti probleme pentru ca pe o distanta de 500 metri gasesti cel putin doua supermarket-uri. eu am chiar la coltul urmator un Tesco Express si mai
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