
March 14th, 1879 Albert Einstein ’s birthday

It’s pointless to tell you now that Einstein was the one who developed the theory of relativity and one of the most important scientists, but I could tell you that he influenced Yoda’s aspect in Star Wars. Because I don’t want to borrow you, I let you here some interesting things, probably less known by most of us, about Albert Einstein the genius. childhood: due to the fact that he was born with a large and irregular shaped head, he was considered a deformed child. But, although after a few weeks, the size of his head was normal, he was always considered as having a mental abnormality, he had speech problems before the age of 9 years (he had hard time pronouncing words, he said a sentence only in the moment he was absolutely sure of pronouncing it correctly, all that process was happening in his mind). He was considered a mentally retarded child

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14 martie 1879 s-a nascut Albert Einstein

nu are rost sa ma apuc acum sa va spun ca Einstein e autorul teoriei relativitatii si ca a fost unul dintre cei mai importanti oameni de stiinta, dar as putea sa va spun ca a influentat aspectul lui Yoda din Star Wars 🙂 . pentru ca nu vreau sa va plictisesc, am cautat cateva lucruri interesante, zic eu, dar mai putin cunoscute despre geniul Albert Einstein 🙂 copilarie: datorita faptului ca s-a nascut cu un cap foarte mare si neregulat, a fost considerat la inceput un copil diform, forma capului revenindu-si in cateva saptamani la o normal, dar toti il considerau un pic inapoiat. la asta s-au mai adaugat si problemele de vorbire pe care le-a avut pana la 9 ani, acesta vorbind foarte rar, dupa ce-si spunea fraza in gand si o rostea doar atunci cand era sigur ca o pronunta bine. mult timp, desi nejustificat, a fost

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shopping in Cardiff – part I

I hope you will like this article, do not believe anymore that England (in fact, UK)  is an expensive country. If you stay a long time, as I do, and if you have time to visit Malls, Shopping Centers, you can find the most advantageous things for you, regarding price, sizes, etc. Firstly, I will mention that I don’t go to Zara, Mango – they are in Romania too and they have the same prices (but here these prices don’t seem to be so high comparing with their income; this does not happen in Romania). I go to New Look and Marks and Spencer, English brands and here the clothing differs from what we find in Romania at the same brands. I buy from Mark and Spencer when they have big discounts because this brand clothing is expensive. But let’s take a look, I will tell you what seems to

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la shopping prin Cardiff

hai ca postarea asta chiar ar trebui sa va placa. sa nu mai credeti niciodata cand va spune cineva ca Anglia (ma rog, UK) e scumpa. daca stai mai mult, asa cum stau eu, si daca ai timp sa cauti prin toate mallurile si magazinele, gasesti cele mai avantajoase chestii pentru tine atat din punct de vedere al preturilor, cat si al marimilor. in primul rand, nu intru in magazine gen Mango, Zara, care sunt si la noi si au aceleasi preturi (atentie, aceleasi preturi, dar la puterea lor de cumparare par infime fata de ce e la noi). intru la New Look si la Marks and Spencer pentru ca sunt englezesti si au alta marfa decat au la noi. de la Marks and Spencer nu cumpar decat cand sunt megareduceri, pentru ca altfel sunt prea scumpe.  dar sa facem un traseu pe unde mi se pare cel mai avantajos

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