
95% reasons to leave Romania vs 5% reasons to live in Romania

I L Caragiale: “There is nothing in the world that could convince me to leave this foreign life corner (Berlin) and come back in my country (Romania). To see again what I‘ve seen, to suffer again for what I’ve suffered, the same faces, the same fossils leading the public life, poisoning our souls with their stupid and suspicious looks, the same jurors intentionally losing lawsuits or giving unfair verdicts. No my dear friend, no. I’ve exiled myself and that’s all. I like this place, I am content with my family and I think I do not belong anymore to a country where flattery and theft are virtues and work and talent are worthy of pity.” I don’t know how I should begin this article. It’s almost 1 year since I’ve decided to study in UK. So I live in UK most of the time. And I like it very much.

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95% motive sa pleci din Romania vs 5% motive sa stai in Romania

nici nu stiu cum sa incep. am aproape un an de cand stau mai mult in UK. imi place aici foarte mult, sunt si lucruri cu care incerc din rasputeri sa ma adaptez, dar mi-e bine, stiu ca am facut ceea ce trebuie pentru mine si pentru baiatul meu, dar simt ca am obosit, ca Romania mi-a consumat toata energia, toate aspiratiile, toate dorintele. poate am si imbatranit, desi simt ca mai pot face multe, ca mai am multe de facut. sunt un om entuziast, plin de idei si initiativa. dar in Romania simt ca nu am nicio sansa, nici eu, nici baiatul meu, nici tu care citesti, care esti in Romania, nici generatiile viitoare, cum n-au avut nici cele trecute. am scris intr-o alta postare ca nu ma plang de ceea ce am realizat in plan material. ma plang ca tot ceea ce am realizat nu ma face sa

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