The accommodation can be cheap or expensive, for the Romanians income, it is expensive. It varies between 200 (minimum) and 600 GBP (I won’t talk about more than 600 GBP because the subject is the student life not holiday). If your budget do not allow you more, you can find something for 200 GBP – a house with bedrooms – rent together with a few colleagues. It’s true that in the first year when you come here, you don’t have many friends, but you can find places in this type of houses. The inconvenience is that you don’t know the others, if they are troublemakers, or if they like cleaning their place; in this type of house there is only one bathroom for 3-4 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms for 5-6 bedrooms. The problem is that girls need the bathroom more than the boys (some girls more than other girls) and
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cat va costa viata de student in UK – cazarea
am ramas datoare cu costul cazarii. nu prea reusesc sa scriu constant, dar am tot avut de lucru. stiu, scuze se gasesc intotdeauna. trebuie totusi sa am timp si sa nu ma gandesc ca las altceva si scriu aici ca nu am stare si nu iese bine. dar sa revenim. cazarea poate fi mai scumpa sau mai ieftina, dar una peste alta, pentru veniturile romanilor, este scumpa. variaza intre 200 (minim) si 600 GBP (nu ne bagam la mai mult ca deja e concediu, nu studii). daca bugetul nu-ti permite, la 200 GBP, poti gasi o casa cu mai multe dormitoare, pe care s-o inchiriezi cu mai multi colegi. e adevarat ca in primul an cand ajungi aici nu prea ai prieteni, dar gasesti locuri in astfel de case. inconvenientul este ca nu stii cu cine nimeresti, daca sunt cat de cat curati si nu foarte scandalagii. pe de alta
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