shopping in Cardiff – part II

Today I’ll tell you about Poundland. I don’t know how I’ve forgotten the first time I’ve written about shopping to mention Poundland or Poundworld.  As its name says anything you buy is 1 Pound or 1£ (GBP). Call it whatever you want. There are 2 Poundland and 1 Poundworld in Cardiff, in the area where I live. Poundland chain has more stores than Poundworld, they sell almost the same things, except for a few differences. When I want to buy something I go to all the 3 stores and it is almost impossible not to find what I want even in one store  🙂 What do you find in these stores? Just about anything you want, less clothing. There are only a few things for kids: socks, gloves etc. Cosmetics: all kinds of cosmetics, deodorants, hair dye products, perfumes not originals but the design of the boxes and the bottles

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shopping in Cardiff – partea a II-a

azi o sa va povestesc despre Poundland. nu stiu cum am uitat prima data cand am scris despre shopping sa mentionez Poundland sau Poundworld sau mai stiu eu cum dar cu Pound sa fie. dupa cum spune si numele, orice cumperi aici este 1 Pound sau 1 GBP sau 1 lira sterlina (nu gasesc semnul) oricum vreti voi sa-i spuneti e 1 🙂 . in Cardiff, prin zona in care ma invart eu, sunt 2 Poundland si 1 Poundworld. parca e mai popular Pounland, dar produsele sunt cam aceleasi, cu mici diferente. eu cand am de luat cate ceva, le bantui si pe tote 3 pentru ca pana la urma e aprope imposibil sa nu gasesc macar intr-unul 🙂 ce gasesti in aceste magazine? cam orice, mai putin imbracaminte. mai sunt ceva prostioare pentru copii gen ciorapei, acum ca a venit iarna, manusi, dar cam atat de imbracaminte. dar in

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