any kind of signs

Pay attention to signs!

Yes, pay attention to any kind of signs! Starting with the punctuation marks that could make a big difference between what you want to say and what the others understand, then the nature signs, or subconscious signs and so on; then we can talk about other signs, those that are or not sent to you. Haven’t you ever been in a situation when you thought someone was coming to you but in fact you weren’t the target person? 🙂 Or haven’t you ever thought someone was making a sign to you (hello from head or hand) and you answered to that sign in any kind, although you weren’t the target person? 🙂 But if we are thinking of men and their imagination, when they are seeing a woman, a very beautiful and attractive woman, and it seems she is making signs, any kind of signs, their imagination immediately starts heating

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super advert

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such an inspired advert. It is super, from what goes and what gets 🙂  (you will see below) I have motorcycle licence I have motorcycle licence, but I’ve been always afraid to use the motorcycle in Bucharest where the traffic is a mess. I used to ride my motorcycle only in weekends when there were fewer cars on the streets. And I was at two rock concerts with my motorcycle only for fun 🙂 The adrenaline was released by my fear of accidents not by the feeling of freedom. And another problem is given by the roads, the bumps, any sudden maneuver could be fatal. I am not a coward person, but my survival instinct and the fact that I am mum and I have a child made me to say stop it; it took me two years to give up for

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