It’s very, very difficult.
First attempt to find a name for my blog…
The first choice was “punctedevedere“ (points of view). The idea was to write about everything, life experience, opinions about all kind of staff or about persons. That title seemed very good for me, maybe a little journalistic, but it had been already used by someone else. Following the same idea I thought “ punctedevederelavedere” (points of view on sight), but it is too long for a blog title.
Then, I chose “coolsirecul” (cool and recoil) but I had two problems, it didn’t look good and the word “recul” (recoil) according to DEX represents a movement back and it didn’t represent my character, it didn’t seem cool for me. A gave up.
Another title “regireginesivagine” (queens kings and vaginas) but I hadn’t enough courage to use it, it seemed excellent for me, but I didn’t want to be considered Carrie Bradshaw of Romania (Sex and the City). I will tell you in another article about this idea. The truth is that I would write about vaginas.
I wanted also “ povesticucantec” (stories with songs). I was thinking of assigning my articles to a song, depending on the subject, and to make a connection with that song. But I can do this anyway.
I wanted also “ carpediem” (live the moment), I was convinced it had been already used. I checked. Finally, I think that, those who do not believe in living their life intensely should review their point of view. We will talk about this.
I have to specify that all the names before, in Romanian have metaphoric senses and somehow rhyme and in translation I can’t catch the real point. Sorry 🙂
And the winner is….
coctailantistress (cocktail anti-stress). I will tell you in another article why I’ve chosen this name, being the most suitable for the subjects I want to tackle here.
I like the other names too, I will use them for naming the categories from this blog.
This is the story of the name I chose for my blog.
See you soon! 🙂
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